
The Baker's Arms

After a miserable rainy Saturday, Brisbane returned to its gorgeous sunny self the next day. I woke up feeling surprisingly energetic after a lateish night out and decided to go for a ride. I texted C to see if he was also up for a ride and he was so after meeting at my place, we set off and decided to head towards...

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Spring Hill Deli

It was a miserable rainy Saturday morning and I was still recovering from some sort of flu going around (the Ekka flu?) so riding to the West End markets did  not sound appealing. C agreed and was nice enough to pick me up to still have our weekly market trip. Given that we had a car, we decided that we'd try somewhere different...

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The Hidden Caffeine Hit

Ever since I first visited Melbourne in high school for a Future Problem Solving (read: super-geeky extra-curricular activity) competition, I have loved everything about it - the fast and convenient public transport, the huge assortment of shops, the wide range of cultural events and, most of all, the fabulous food and consistently good coffee. Well, perhaps I don't love the weather...but the shopping always...

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