
oh hello!

Thursday, January 02, 2014

It seemed too odd to launch straight into a review without some sort of introduction. I'll keep it short for now as I intend to expand on the 'coming soon' in the About section.

I'm Gabi and I live in Brisbane. I've always liked eating out and trying new foods but in the last few years I've started to really love food. This happened to coincide with the Brisbane food scene starting to really take off and expand. Previously I had considered Melbourne and Sydney as places I needed to go in Australia to get excellent and interesting food but Brisbane is now up there with them. There are new restaurants and cafes opening every week and I cannot keep up! The downside to Brisbane is that not having a car is problematic and I do not have one. After years of fearing bicycles (there were many accidents during my childhood...) I was given one for Christmas in 2012. A vanilla Electra Townie cruiser with 7 speeds...it was pretty, had a comfortable seat and enough gears to handle (some of) Brisbane's hills. Much to my surprise, I actually started to like cycling and really appreciated that I had a means faster than walking (and in many cases taking public transport) to get places. Brisbane may not have the cycle culture of Amsterdam but there has been some wonderful development of cycle paths, around my area at least. I still have my Townie and I now cycle most days to work or to the markets on the weekend and for breakfast, of course.  I'm lucky to live in an area which has bike paths almost from my home to the CBD and other inner-city areas that go along the Brisbane River. Cycling along the river is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable things to do. Unless it's gustily storming and hailing...but that's another story.

I prefer to cycle early in the morning, hence the appeal of cycling to breakfast. Breakfast has always been my favourite meal and eating breakfast out is a very popular Brisbane thing to do so there are many choices - too many sometimes! I love to try all of the new places but also have several favourites I go back to time and time again. I tend to favour places I can easily ride to and while I try to cycle to most of them, occasionally cycling isn't really an option and so my stories won't be limited to cycle-able locations.

Anyway, I think that's a long enough intro...I hope you enjoy reading my reviews as much as I enjoy reviewing them!

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